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Final Film

Monday 4 November 2013

Continuity Editing Task

Continuity Editing Task

For the continuity editing task we edited footage filmed by A2 students. The footage was of a girl walking through doors, and entering/ leaving rooms.

Our job was to put the footage in the correct order, and edit it, by taking out parts such as jump cuts, which shouldn't be used.

The task was beneficial as it enabled me to play around with the footage i was given, and to try out editing with Final cut express. It also meant i could practice arranging the re arranging footage and cutting it where ever i want.

I was able to display match on action with my editing of the footage, by cutting when the girl was turning door handles as she opened it and cutting when she opened the next room.


  1. Can you describe what different techniques are used to create continuity?
    Screen grabs from your film (complete with annotations) would help to support your explanation.

    Mrs Jones

  2. Please post a response via the comments to let me know when alterations have been made.

    Mrs Jones
