Narrative Theory
Narrative: In media Narrative is the order of a collection of events and everything in Media has a Narrative.
Tzvetan Todorov is a Bulgarian Philosopher that came up with the idea of a three part narrative. Know as the Todorovian Narrative. Equilibrium,Disequilibrium and New Equilibrium, which we commonly know as beginning middle end. Todorov suggest that at each section there are rules to be followed. Such as Equilibrium is at the beginning, where the story is balanced and all is well, the audience consider this to be 'normal'. Next in the Disequilibrium, a problem occurs, that changes the 'normal' atmosphere that was displayed in the Equilibrium.
Finally the New Equilibrium where there is new balance, however this balance is different from the balance in Equilibrium. It is normally seen as a better atmosphere than in equilibrium.
Syd Field: Syd field, who is rated highly in Hollywood for his theories, believes in Todorovs theory, but has tweaked it. He believes Narrative consist of three acts, Act 1, Act 3 and Act 3.

Vladimir Propp is a Russian theorist that came up with the idea that in all stories there are always eight specific character types. His character theory consists of:
1.Hero- Hero's are usually on quests and leading the story lines. All though they're commonly male they don't have to be. an example of a heros Batman.
2. Villain- Always attempting to stop the hero from succeeding in their quest. Villain and Hero are enemies. An example of a Villain is the joker from spider man.
3. Donor- They aid the hero in their quest, usually supplying them with a clue or power. An example is Yoda.
4. The Princess - used as a prize or reward for a person, if the hero is female they usually receive a gift.
an example of this is Mary Jane in Spiderman.
5. Sidekick/ Helper - Helps the hero in their quest, an example is Donkey from Shrek
6. The father- Gives the hero a reward for completing the quest. An example is Sultan from Aladdin (Princess Jasmines Father).
7. False hero - try to take credit for what the hero has achieved, or sets out to. Attempts to gain the princess for themselves. An example is Prince Charming from Shrek.
8. Dispatcher - the person who starts the hero on their quest.
Claude Strauss:
Claude Strauss is a Theorist who came with the Theory of Binary opposition.
he studied how culture affects stories and how they cause a natural opposition often used in media today, such as
Good vs Evil
Homesteads vs Natives
Weak vs Strong etc.
A French semiologist, philosopher and critic who believed narrative had five different codes to it.
Action: A narrative device which equals a solution caused by action
Enigma: confuses the audience which a riddle, puzzle or mystery they have to solve.
Symbolic: same as connotation
Semic: same as denotation
Cultural: the audience recognises this belongs to a specific culture.
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